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Emerging Artist Registration Form

The Albia Restoration Days Art Show will be held on Saturday, April 27, from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on the Monroe County Courthouse Lawn. If you would like to exhibit your work, please complete the registration information below.

There is a $10 registration fee (if your registration is declined, your fees will be refunded to you). Registration includes lunch for one artist. 

Registration entries are due by April 19, 2024.

Registration Information

All entrants must complete this section.

Samples of Your Work

All registrations must be accompanied by 3 samples of your recent work.
There is no guarantee that all registrations will be accepted. If your registration is declined, registration fees will be refunded to you.

Disclaimer/Release of Liability

All entrants must complete this section.

    By signing this form the responsible party:

    (1) Binds each person participating in the activity under the authority of this entry form to hold harmless from liability, Albia Restoration Days Committee, Albia Chamber Main Street, Monroe County Arts Council, the City of Albia, Monroe County, IA, their officers, members, designated officials, volunteers, agents, and against any and all claims, losses, injuries, suits and judgements arising from, or in conjunction with its successors, assigns, heirs, executors and administrators, and any other persons or entities who/which may have a claim based on my/our personal injuries and/or property damage, personal injury, or death arising from participation in the Albia Restoration Days.

    (2) The organization or individual named on this application irrevocably grants the Albia Restoration Days Committee, Albia Chamber Main Street, and the Monore County Arts Council rights to use in any media, our name, likeness, photos, our submitted work or reproduction of our performance or work for any purpose including promotion, advertising, or otherwise; and

    (3) Agrees to provide each person participating under the authority of this entry form with a copy of this Disclaimer/Release of Liability.

    (4) In the case of cancellation due to circumstances outside of the control of the Albia Restoration Days Committee, expenses and/or sponsorship fees will not be reimbursed.

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