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Parade Rules & Entry

The Albia Restoration Days parade will take place on April 27, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. Register and review guidelines.

Parade Regulations & Guidelines

These written guidelines represent the official parade guidelines and supersede previous parade guidelines and/or anything that has verbally been told to you.

  • Vehicles that are newer than model year 1969 must be decorated to align with the parade theme or be pulling a float to be allowed entry into the parade. Cars, Trucks, and Tractors that are 1969 or older will already be considered as aligning with the parade theme. Exceptions to this rule will be made for vehicles carrying festival dignitaries, vehicles carrying political officials or candidates for public office, marching band support vehicles, and emergency vehicles.
  • Any individuals who operate a truck, car, tractor or any other type of vehicle in the parade must possess a valid driver's license and proper insurance.
  • The Albia Restoration Days Committee reserves the right to limit the number/types of vehicles and other entries in the parade.
  • All participants are expected to abide by general behavior guidelines.
  • The Albia Restoration Days Committee does not endorse the views, representations, and behaviors of parade participants.
  • REGARDING ANIMALS: All entries with live animals are responsible for immediately curbing/cleaning up after their animals. Animals must be of nature that noise and excitement will not frighten them. Insurance must be carried in case of participant or crowd injury caused by animals.
  • CANDY, WATER, HANDOUTS: The throwing of candy and other objects is strictly prohibited. No article such as candy, etc. shall be thrown into the crowd along the parade route from the vehicles in the parade. All giveaways and candy must be handed directly to parade attendees by walkers along the route. This avoids the danger of children darting out in front of moving vehicles. For safety and insurance reasons, this rule will be strictly enforced. No candy, water, or handouts will be allowed at all during the lighted parade at dusk. No water spraying, water balloons, or any spraying of the audience of any kind is allowed. Parade officials will inspect all entries and reserve the right to eliminate any entry that is in violation.
  • Once your entry has started along the parade route, no one my get on or off of your float.
  • The presence of alcohol increase the risk of liability. If you are found with alcohol before (line up) and during (while in route) the parade you will leave and your participation in the parade will cease. No alcohol in coolers, disguised with koozies, in buckets, etc. are allowed. Additionally, no smoking will be allowed before the parade in the line-up area or at any point during the parade.
  • No real weapons or firearms are allowed in any parade entry with the exception of law enforcement.
  • Parade Lineup will begin at 2:30 p.m. with float judging beginning at 3:00 p.m. Floats should be at their lineup location at this time as well as those participating in the parade entry. Floats will be judged on overall appearance, theme, originality, mechanical animation, and construction. Floats entering the Lighted Parade will be judged on their element of incorporating lighting into their float entry.
  • The Senior Parade Official, the Albia Restoration Days Chairperson, and/or any civil authority reserves the right to prohibit any entry into the parade. This includes entries that are of poor taste, entries that do not adhere to these guidelines, late entries, and any entry which exercises a deviant or unruly behavior.
  • Although music is allowed, parade participants should be respectful of the other entries and not play loud music. Amplification of your voice using a microphone, bullhorn, or any other device is prohibited.
  • For political entries, the person who is holding office or running for office must be present and remain in their vehicle once the parade has started, however representatives are allowed to walk alongside of the vehicle. Political parties with no office holder or candidate present with their entry are allowed. Political entries, including political parties, are only allowed to go through the parade route one time.
  • Assignments and Measurements are made based upon information given on the forms that you have used for your parade entry. It is important that you are accurate and as informative as possible regarding your parade entry. If your entry is longer than what was specified on your parade entry, form there is no guarantee that it will be allowed in the parade.
  • Changes in the parade lineup the day of the parade will be at the sole discretion of the parade officials and parade chair. It is your responsibility to notify the parade official as soon as possible of any potential changes.
  • Vehicles with louder diesel engines should not be left running during the parade lineup. It is difficult to hear and give directions with any additional noise.
  • Entries with children under the age of 18 must have adult supervision.
  • Float entries shall be decorated on all four sides.

Additional Float Safety Requirements

  • People who are riding on the float should be seated and placed towards the interior of the float.
  • No dangling of legs over the edge of the float are allowed.
  • Although discouraged, if the float entry requires someone to be standing on the float, the person must be safely secured to a stable object on the float. All entries of this type, must be cleared by the Senior Parade Official.
  • The driver of the pull vehicle must have an adequate fire extinguisher in the vehicle while pulling a float.
  • All floats should have an 8" clearance from the ground.
  • The pull vehicle must be able to travel slow enough to avoid stalling.
  • No fire or flame producing devices are allowed on floats.
  • Lighted Parade participants must exercise an additional level of alertness and vigilance.

Enter the Parade

Interested in entering the Restoration Days parade? Register by April 19, 2024. 

Parade Entry Form

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